WE ARE THERE FOR YOU “A lawyer is of little value to his client if he doesn't communicate with the client: Pick up the telephone and make the call; reply to that email... We are there for you.” Lorne Austring, Partner WE SEE THE BIG PICTURE “Reducing people's mental, emotional and financial stress and achieving a satisfactory result are my priorities.” Shayne Fairman, Partner WE LEAD THE WAY “From routine to complex, we advise on business, real estate and mining law. We're here to cut through the red tape and help our clients achieve their goals.” Greg Fekete, Partner WE AIM HIGH “I strive to provide my clients with sound and cost-effective representation.” Mark Wallace, Partner WE MAKE IT CLEAR “Fortune favours the prepared and, in law, the prepared keep their fortunes.” Arthur Mauro, Associate WE ARE READY TO ASSIST YOU “We are ready to assist you in navigating the complexities of the law, advocating for your rights, and ensuring a favourable outcome.” Peterson Ndlovu, Associate